そういえば、行ってきたんでした。 BTW, I have been there


ゴマ男 Pick Up



インド出張シリーズ。 独特なインド英語の特徴をまとめました。 導入編です。

【Izumi taisha】I went one of the famous shrine "Izumo taisha". Let's enjoy not only great shrine but also unique mythology.【Shimane trip】

// I traveled Chu-goku area for 4 days. When I say I will go Chu-goku area (without Hiroshima prefecture), everyone think why bother going there ? I know. Before I went there, I also though same. But once I went there I found there were va…


どーも、ゴマ男です。 インド最大の都市ムンバイへ行ってきました。 インドの映画産業を「ハリウッド」と「ムンバイの旧称ボンベイの頭文字」を合わせてボリウッドと呼ぶくらい映画が有名な街です。 今回はそんなムンバイ観光を宗教的な観点からご紹介します…

【Udon prefecture】Udon Kingdom is Kagawa prefecture.【Kagawa trip】

I went to Kagawa prefecture during 3rd-6th November for "Setouchi triennial 2016". This event is so popular that not only Japanese but also many foreigner gathered at Kagawa prefecture. About this event, I introduced other article. So! In …


インドのカレーと必ず出てくる「この赤いのは何?」「レモン」や「玉ねぎ」と一緒に出されるカレーの付け合わせ「アチャール」の正しい食べ方は? カレーの本場インドでの実体験を元に紐解いていきます。

【Setouchi triennial 2016】West 3 islands tour at 1 day! Last island was Honshima! 【Kagawa trip】

Setouchi triennale 2016 was held in 3 periods. Spring , Summer and Autumn. Each periods exhibited different arts.(Of course, some of them were same.) I went "Autumn" period. West parts of Setouchi triennale were opened only Autumn. I tried…

【Setouchi triennal 2016】I went to 3 west island only one day! Everything were art in Takamishima.【Kagawa trip】

"Awashima" "Takamishima" "Honshima" This 3 island were located in west area of Setouchi and only held exhibitions at autumn terms. So I tried to go around this 3 islands only 1 day! First island "Awashima" was so emotinal place. Especially…

【Setouchi triennale 2016】Missing post office at Awashima was most impressive art in my art trip.【Kagawa trip】

2nd day at Setouchi triennale,then I found most impressive exhibiton in my trip. It was "Missing post office" at Awashima. And fortunately This post office is in business at Awashima out of Setiuchi triennale! What is Missing post office "…



【英語勉強法】ゲストハウスで英会話。英語ブログの効果は如何に? ★「〜まで」"by"でも"until"でもなくて"up to"?【感想戦】

どうも、ゴマ男です。 英語ブログ「Go-G0GomaSAnpo」を始めて約2ヶ月が経ちました。 これまでの記事数11件! 少なっ!!いですが、 一週間に一件くらいのペースで更新できれば良かったなと思っていたので、 個人的には悪くないペースではあります。 感想戦…

【Setouchi treinnel 2016】I went around Teshima by electric bicycle. 【Kagawa trip】

After I went to Tshima museum,I tried to go around Teshima. There were not only cool arts but also great landscape! As I mentioned previous article,I thought electric bicycle is necessary to go around! 10:20 Shima kitchen Shima kitchen is …

【setouchi triennale 2016】I went to awesome island "Teshima". Teshima museum was amazing!! Should we chose electric bicycle for going around? 【Kagawa prefecture】

I went to Setouchi triennale 2016 at 11/4,5. This event was held each 3 years since 2010 at Kagawa prefecture. I haven't known this event until this year. I was so surprised that this event was so popular!! Almost hotels and accommodations…

【Japan Autumn leaves】Autumn leaves at Hitachinaka Park are spread under knees!! We can enjoy unique landscape looking them down!

When you hear autumn leaves, maybe you come up with like these image. Me too.Commonly, we imagine like them!! Red or yellow leaves are on the trees and we look them up. But This time I introduce unique autumn leaves. There are no trees and…

【Tokyo autumn-leaves】Ginkgo dyed Tokyo streets impressive yellow. So I would like to answer when is best time of autumn leaves?

When you hear 「Autumn leaves」,what color do you come up with ? Yellow? Red? Brown? Tokyo has many autumn leaves places. I went 2 great Yellow autumun leaves places. So I would like to introduce these places. Showa-memorial-park(昭和記念…

【英語勉強法】英語でブログを書いてみて。書けないもどかしさは成長の伸びしろ!!! 『広い』と言えば、Wide?Large?Big? 日常単語の微妙なニュアンスを掴む。【感想戦】

どうも、ゴマ男です。 英語旅行ブログの何とか二作目書けました。 今回のブログは北海道1泊二日のロングドライブ日記。 ロングドライブということもあり、まだまだロングライティング。 反省会もとい感想戦をして旅はロングに記事はショートに! はじめに …

【Hokkaido trip】Continued 1,200km crazy driving!! We went to cafe above clouds. And drove toward blue lake. 【Day 2】

Yesterday we went to Northernmost tip of Japan(Soya cave) by Ororon line. At Ororon line,there were lots of immpresive landscape!! These scenery made us exciting dispite of about 700km drive!! Crazy driving trip continued Day 2!! First, wh…

【Hokkaido trip】1,200km driving only 2 days !! 1st day, we aimed at Northernmost tip by Ororon line!! 【Day 1】

I went to Hokkaido . What do you come up with,when you hear "Hokkaido"? Susukino Snow festival(Sapporo city) Night view(Hakodate city) Zoo(Asahikawa city) etc... Yes!! Hokkaido has countless attractive places, things and events!! Lots of p…

英語旅行ブログ始動!最初の目標は「書き続けること」!! ★Despite of, Neverthelessを使いわけて文を強調してみる。【感想戦】

どうも、ゴマ男です。 英語による旅行ブログの第一弾の製作を終え、感想戦を行っていくことを決意したわけであります。 はじめに さて、いきなりこんな事言うのもなんなのですが、 この感想戦では(感想戦ってそもそも何よという方は上の記事へ) 「正確な情…


どうも、ゴマ男です。 普段はしがないメカニカルエンジニアの私ですが、 趣味の旅行の話で楽しく英語の上達ができたら万々歳かなと思い 英語上達のために英語旅ブログを始めました。 そして、記念すべき初ブログを作り終えた訳ですが、、(しかもいきなりの…

【Aomori trip】I went to Aomori prefecture to see awesome autumn-leaves at Tsuta-numa. But weather forecast said it might snow...Finally could I achieve impressive scenery...??

I decided to visit Aomori for "Tsuta-numa autumnleaves" Day1 I went "Mt.Osore" and "The Northernmost are of Japna island". It was really fantastic dispite of bad weather. But today sun was necessary to achive this travel main purpose super…

Mount Osore made me take another world!! Let's try after death...【Aomori travel】

Go to Tohoku!!(行くぜ、東北!) Recently, I often see various JR advertisement of Tohoku region. Every pictures are really awsome. They drove my feeling to go there!! Especially, one of the poster was attracted to me. It was "Tsuta-numa(…