そういえば、行ってきたんでした。 BTW, I have been there


ゴマ男 Pick Up


【Japan Autumn leaves】Autumn leaves at Hitachinaka Park are spread under knees!! We can enjoy unique landscape looking them down!

When you hear autumn leaves, maybe you come up with like these image. Me too.Commonly, we imagine like them!! Red or yellow leaves are on the trees and we look them up. But This time I introduce unique autumn leaves. There are no trees and…

【Tokyo autumn-leaves】Ginkgo dyed Tokyo streets impressive yellow. So I would like to answer when is best time of autumn leaves?

When you hear 「Autumn leaves」,what color do you come up with ? Yellow? Red? Brown? Tokyo has many autumn leaves places. I went 2 great Yellow autumun leaves places. So I would like to introduce these places. Showa-memorial-park(昭和記念…

【Aomori trip】I went to Aomori prefecture to see awesome autumn-leaves at Tsuta-numa. But weather forecast said it might snow...Finally could I achieve impressive scenery...??

I decided to visit Aomori for "Tsuta-numa autumnleaves" Day1 I went "Mt.Osore" and "The Northernmost are of Japna island". It was really fantastic dispite of bad weather. But today sun was necessary to achive this travel main purpose super…

Mount Osore made me take another world!! Let's try after death...【Aomori travel】

Go to Tohoku!!(行くぜ、東北!) Recently, I often see various JR advertisement of Tohoku region. Every pictures are really awsome. They drove my feeling to go there!! Especially, one of the poster was attracted to me. It was "Tsuta-numa(…