そういえば、行ってきたんでした。 BTW, I have been there


ゴマ男 Pick Up


【Setouchi triennale 2016】Missing post office at Awashima was most impressive art in my art trip.【Kagawa trip】

2nd day at Setouchi triennale,then I found most impressive exhibiton in my trip. It was "Missing post office" at Awashima. And fortunately This post office is in business at Awashima out of Setiuchi triennale! What is Missing post office "…



【英語勉強法】ゲストハウスで英会話。英語ブログの効果は如何に? ★「〜まで」"by"でも"until"でもなくて"up to"?【感想戦】

どうも、ゴマ男です。 英語ブログ「Go-G0GomaSAnpo」を始めて約2ヶ月が経ちました。 これまでの記事数11件! 少なっ!!いですが、 一週間に一件くらいのペースで更新できれば良かったなと思っていたので、 個人的には悪くないペースではあります。 感想戦…

【Setouchi treinnel 2016】I went around Teshima by electric bicycle. 【Kagawa trip】

After I went to Tshima museum,I tried to go around Teshima. There were not only cool arts but also great landscape! As I mentioned previous article,I thought electric bicycle is necessary to go around! 10:20 Shima kitchen Shima kitchen is …

【setouchi triennale 2016】I went to awesome island "Teshima". Teshima museum was amazing!! Should we chose electric bicycle for going around? 【Kagawa prefecture】

I went to Setouchi triennale 2016 at 11/4,5. This event was held each 3 years since 2010 at Kagawa prefecture. I haven't known this event until this year. I was so surprised that this event was so popular!! Almost hotels and accommodations…