そういえば、行ってきたんでした。 BTW, I have been there


ゴマ男 Pick Up



インド出張シリーズ。 独特なインド英語の特徴をまとめました。 導入編です。

【Izumi taisha】I went one of the famous shrine "Izumo taisha". Let's enjoy not only great shrine but also unique mythology.【Shimane trip】

// I traveled Chu-goku area for 4 days. When I say I will go Chu-goku area (without Hiroshima prefecture), everyone think why bother going there ? I know. Before I went there, I also though same. But once I went there I found there were va…


どーも、ゴマ男です。 インド最大の都市ムンバイへ行ってきました。 インドの映画産業を「ハリウッド」と「ムンバイの旧称ボンベイの頭文字」を合わせてボリウッドと呼ぶくらい映画が有名な街です。 今回はそんなムンバイ観光を宗教的な観点からご紹介します…

【Udon prefecture】Udon Kingdom is Kagawa prefecture.【Kagawa trip】

I went to Kagawa prefecture during 3rd-6th November for "Setouchi triennial 2016". This event is so popular that not only Japanese but also many foreigner gathered at Kagawa prefecture. About this event, I introduced other article. So! In …


インドのカレーと必ず出てくる「この赤いのは何?」「レモン」や「玉ねぎ」と一緒に出されるカレーの付け合わせ「アチャール」の正しい食べ方は? カレーの本場インドでの実体験を元に紐解いていきます。

【Setouchi triennial 2016】West 3 islands tour at 1 day! Last island was Honshima! 【Kagawa trip】

Setouchi triennale 2016 was held in 3 periods. Spring , Summer and Autumn. Each periods exhibited different arts.(Of course, some of them were same.) I went "Autumn" period. West parts of Setouchi triennale were opened only Autumn. I tried…

【Setouchi triennal 2016】I went to 3 west island only one day! Everything were art in Takamishima.【Kagawa trip】

"Awashima" "Takamishima" "Honshima" This 3 island were located in west area of Setouchi and only held exhibitions at autumn terms. So I tried to go around this 3 islands only 1 day! First island "Awashima" was so emotinal place. Especially…