そういえば、行ってきたんでした。 BTW, I have been there


ゴマ男 Pick Up

Mount Osore made me take another world!! Let's try after death...【Aomori travel】

 Go to Tohoku!!(行くぜ、東北!)


Recently, I often see various JR advertisement of Tohoku region.

Every pictures are really awsome.
They drove my feeling to go there!!
Especially, one of the poster was attracted to me.

It was "Tsuta-numa(蔦沼)" with Autumn leaves.

So I decided to see it in Aomori prefecture.

  11:10 Aomori station (2015/10/24)


 Travel menu.

  1. Aomori city
  2. Mt.Osore(恐山)
  3. Northernmost are of island(大間)
  4. Tsuta-numa(蔦沼)and Okuirase keiryu(奥入瀬渓流)
  5. Apple park
  6. Beautiful Starbacks



Total distance was 450km!!!
I had completed by rental car.
It was so long drive .
But it was not only exhausted, but also fun!!
On the way to destination, autumn leaves were still there!!
 紅葉道路 to 恐山
紅葉道路② to 恐山
These scenery made me fun and increased my expectation to  Tsutanuma autumn leaves!!!
But I had one concern...
Weather was so bad..It was light rain.. 
I hoped sun would appear at least tomorrow when I go to Tsuta-numa...
At first,I aimed to "Mt.Osore(恐山)"
On way to Mt.Osore, I ate strange ra-men.
Various sea food was mixed!!


  15:00 Mt.Osore

Before getting Mt.Osore,there was so famous river.
Maybe every Japanese have heared this river's name.
It was Sanzu river(三途の川)
This river was so smell by sulfur...Odor...
Sanzu river is said to separated live from death.
So other side of river is death world.
And Mt.Osore is located other side....
Let's go to another world!!
I got Mt.Osore.
In front of gate, A lot of buddha statutes wlecomed me.


They made spooky atmosphere.
And this bad weather collaborated to create it.  


After entrance,there were so rigid gate.


Street was lasted.
And behind mountain had good autumn leaves..
I wished sunny...


Lots of pillar trees were gathered.
Mysterious space.


Mt.Osore is one of the most biggest sacred mountain in Japan.

In Tohoku region, past people said when people die, they go to Mt.Osore.

Even this era,sometimes Japanese necromancer(we call [Itako] who can bring souls of dead) was gathered here.

We could explore Mt.Osore.
It was tour of hell(地獄めぐり).
Of course, I went to hell!!
Naked road was lasted.
Small statue with hat and scarf...
I didn't know the means of this statue.
But It seemed so spooky..


Stones were piled up.
At hell,dead people have to pile up thousands stones for atoning for sins. 
So instead of dead, some living people piled up stones.


There are also lots of windmills.
This is said for comforting kids souls...


After short walking, I arrived lake.
It is difficult to tell this situation by this picture.
But this water was really beautifl and strange color water.
I felt as if I be out of world...


Should we be careful poisonous snake rather than ghost?? 


Mt.Osore was really spiritual area.
I left there and aimed next point.

17:15 Ohma Northernmost area

Oham is the Northernmost area of Hon-syu(Japanese island).


I managed to get to see sunset!!
See u sun.


After sunset, there was completely dark.
I went back soon to Aomori city.
My staying time at Ohma is only 10 min...

21:00 Aomori city

To have look best Tsuta-numa scenery,I had to wake up 4:30!!
So Aomori night was finised early time.
Aomori 1 Day was really fun despite of bad weather.
Bad weather increased spooky atmosphere at Mt.Osore.
And I could see sunset at Northernmost Japan island.
But tomorrow, sun would be necessary for Tsuta-numa.
I prayed at the bed.
Continue to next blog.
I will update "Midle of Octorber"